Dear Fellow CEOs-In-Training, Sex. Harrry Stonecipher. Didn’t think I’d ever write those words together in the […]
March 2005 Letter
Dear Fellow Well-Intentioned Globalists, What makes analysts happy? Two dots. You can connect them and point to […]
February 2005 Letter
Dear Fellow Long-Distance Travelers, In travel, it’s the little things you notice. Example. In Indian airports, toilet paper is stamped “Airport.” That’s a […]
January 2005 Letter
Dear Fellow Fragmented Route Travelers, Onceuponatime, my mother told me a great story. A beggar visited […]
December 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Scandal Watchers, There are few greater guilty pleasures in life than reading other people’s […]
November 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Trade War Spectators, Talk about obligation. I wish I could write this letter about anything […]
October 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Aerophiles, Avoiding culture in Venice is tough. Masterpieces of art and architecture are everywhere. […]
September 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Armchair Strategists, Fifty years ago, the French military decided to deal with their […]
August 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Throwaway Society Members, TV ads change your life. We were recently cleaning house, and […]
July 2004 Letter
Dear Fellow Paranoiacs, I Am Alive and You Are Dead is the wonderfully titled new biography […]